Ironwood Barbecue - Christmas / New Year Shut Down
With Christmas fast approaching, there are some important dates to remember if you're looking at making a purchase via our website or at...

Free Delivery / Click & Collect Options - Online Orders - Brisbane and Surrounds

Brisket / Pulled Pork Pit Beans
Found yourself with Brisket or Pulled Pork leftovers and don't know what to do with them? This is my go to recipe for BBQ leftovers and...

Low and Slow: What are the Best Meat Cuts and Rubs Available?
The practice of smoking meats goes back for thousands of years. There’s archeological evidence to prove that some civilisations started...

Smoking Tutorial - Pulled Pork
We kick of with a Pork Butt, roughly 4kg in weight. Most Pulled Pork recipes call for a bone in pork shoulder, also known as a Boston...

Smoking Tutorial - Pulled Beef
Perfect footy food to feed the crowd on a chilly night. Can be served on a bun, with sides, or in this case Taco's! We kick off with a...

Smoking Tutorial - Pastrami and Reuben Sandwiches
We will be going through two methods for making Pastrami. Firstly, via brining and curing your own cuts and secondly using a pre...

Smoking Tutorial - Pulled Lamb
Succulent Pulled Lamb

How to Reverse Sear a Steak
Learn how to reverse sear a steak.

Smoking Tutorial - Pork Ribs
Cook pork ribs to perfection with this tutorial